Paige Hawkins Wellness

To book a massage: 


Email: [email protected]. 

Stay up to date by following her on Instagram: paige.massagetherapist 

Bulldogs Headquarters are located at 6798 52 Ave, Red Deer. 

Paige Hawkins is a massage therapist, nutritional practitioner, and personal trainer. She will be working with injured Bulldogs players rehabilitating injuries to help them recover and get back to their full-time training plans with the Bulldogs Training Centre. She also has a space in Bulldogs Headquarters offering massages to the public. 

Hawkins received her Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy from Algonquin College and practiced massage for two years before going back to school for Holistic Nutrition.  

“I wanted to get more success with my clients and help them with more of a lifestyle change rather than just the passive therapy, so I went back to school again for holistic nutrition,” explained Hawkins. 

She continued with her education by adding personal training to her area of expertise, which included massage and nutrition. All three facets of her training allow for more opportunities for success with her clients, “That’s everything I’m offering now, which I feel works really well together, being able to do training plans for my massage clients and help them with nutrition and everything too,” stated Hawkins. 

Recently, Hawkins opened a massage space in the Bulldogs Headquarters where she offers a variety of massages, “I offer different time ranges, from half an hour to 90 minutes. I do deep tissue, sports massage, cupping, and relaxation. A lot of the time, it’s a combination of things, because I think the best results people get are when their nervous systems aren’t completely fried,” divulged Hawkins.  

She is also excited to be undergoing additional certification, “I’m currently doing my RAPID certification, which is a little bit more of an intense treatment where you’re trying to activate the nervous system and really fire things up. That’s going to be really great for pain management and is really good for specific sports injuries.”